When Leasing a Laptop Makes More Sense Than Buying a Laptop

When Leasing a Laptop Makes More Sense Than Buying a Laptop

In some cases, it just makes more sense to rent laptops for your business.

There are pros and cons to both leasing and buying laptops for your office, but there are several situations when leasing is the smarter choice. Visit us online today at Business Equipment Rentals to learn about those times when renting makes more sense than buying laptops for your business.

Your employees are using slow, outdated laptops.

Every dollar in your business budget is essential and should be spent wisely, which is why so many businesses hang onto their laptops until they no longer work at all rather than replacing them when they start to get slow. While the “waste not want not” mentality is smart to follow most of the time, it doesn’t do your company any favors to hang onto laptops past their prime. Technology is fast moving, and in order to keep up and stand out in the competitive market today, you can’t afford to be slowed down by outdated laptops that can no longer keep up. So if your business has been hanging onto old laptops and isn’t planning to replace them until they are no longer kicking, consider keeping technologically up to date by renting laptops instead.

You would rather replace instead of upgrade your existing laptops.

Long gone are the days when businesses made HD and RAM upgrades to their laptops. In most cases, today’s business see these kinds of updates as pricey, inefficient and time-consuming, which is why many businesses choose to replace existing laptops rather than to upgrade them. The downside of this strategy is that, if you replace your laptops every time a new upgrade is available, thanks to the speed with which technology moves, it will quickly add up. However, there’s another way to stay up to date on the latest laptop technology without having to shell out the cash for full replacements, and that’s by renting your laptops. One of the biggest perks of renting is the ability to save more while benefiting from the most up-to-date equipment, so office equipment rental companies have an incentive to keep their inventory in-line with new models and updates.

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You can’t or don’t want to spend more than you have to or take out a loan for laptops.

One big reason to rent your office’s laptops instead of buying them is that it takes a much smaller upfront investment. Over time, the costs of renting and buying become more difficult to distinguish, but it’s the huge upfront costs of buying laptops that many companies struggle with. You could, of course, take out a business credit card or a loan to help you cover the initial laptop investment, but this is not a viable option for every business. When businesses are just starting out, they are in a particularly tumultuous position, and for many new businesses, renting gives them the chance to get the equipment they need without running up big debts or blowing their whole budget right off the bat.

You don’t have the staff or the time to keep up on repairs maintenance.

If you invest the money to buy laptops for your staff, you want them to last as long as possible, which means that you’ll also need to dedicate some time and manpower to regular maintenance. Additionally, things happen, and your laptops may require occasional repairs. When you buy your laptops, it’s up to you to repair and maintain them. But, if you don’t have the time or the manpower to do so, leasing might be a smarter choice for your needs.

Find the laptop rentals you need in New York City with Business Equipment Rentals Inc.

If any of these situations apply to your business, it might be time to consider renting laptops rather than buying them, and luckily, Business Equipment Rentals is here to help. When you want to rent laptops, fax machines, shredders, copiers or any other office equipment in New York City, there’s no better company to turn to. Contact one of our office equipment rental experts today to learn about the business equipment rentals we offer and our competitive rates.